$8.5 Million
How are students chosen for a scholarship?
Our scholarship committees, who include Board of Director members, current and former mentors review and assign the funds. Among their qualifications, seniors must have been active in the program for 3 years, expect to graduate from a participating high school and have no unexcused absences from the WOT mentoring sessions.
With 64% of our students reporting, they are first generation to enroll in higher education, we are proud to support their accomplishments. A number of our students have been accepted in to Ivy League schools.
Former Scholarship Honorees
Let us introduce you to a selection of our students who have been awarded a scholarship through our program.
Please take a few moments to hear their story and accomplishments.
Alumnae, South Florida
Alumnae, South Florida
Alumnae, South Florida
Alumnae, Metro Detroit
Alumnae, South Florida
Graduation Luncheon 2022
South Florida
Changing lives.
Support through scholarships.
If you are interested in supporting the Women of Tomorrow scholarship program, please contact our program directors. In Florida, contact Darice Gall at d.gall@womenoftomorrow.org. In Metro Detroit, contact Jill Harris at j.harris@womenoftomorrow.org.